Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pick Up Changes for March 14 and 15

Due to parent conferences, on Thursday, March 14 and Friday, March 15, students in grades K-3 will be dismissed at 12 pm. The preschool will operate normal hours.
A reminder of our dismissal procedure on early release (for K-3) days:

  • If you are picking up ONLY your preschooler: Please drive through the STAFF parking lot (not the regular parking lot because you will get stuck) and line up your car parallel to the staff cars parked in the parallel parking spots. Preschool staff will dismiss your children to your car.

  • If you are picking up your preschooler AND other students in grades K-3, please send in a note letting your child's teacher know that your child will be picked up at 12:00, if that is not a normal procedure for your family.  At noon, your preschooler will be brought to the pick-up line to be picked up. Please use the Steward School pick-up line, through the circle, to pick up your child if they have any siblings in grades K-3 that you are picking up.

 Steward Preschool
Updated Snow Policy
We have updated our Snow Day Policy.  Please read the updated policy below.

All preschool programs, including Preschool Extended Day Programs, will open one hour later than their usual start time.

All 3-hour 9-12 morning preschool programs are cancelled.

The 4-hour, 9-1 program for our 4-year olds will operate with the two-hour delay, opening at 11:00 and ending at 1 pm.

The 5 hour, 9-2 program for our intensive needs 3 and 4 year olds will operate with the two-hour delay, opening at 11:00 and ending at 2pm.

For those families accessing our early morning Preschool Extended Day program, we will have a two-hour delay and will open this program at 9:00. 

For 3 year old children who access our afternoon Extended Day program with either a 2:00, 3:15, or 4:30 dismissal the program will be operating from 11-4:30.  3 year olds who typically attend class from 9-12 and then Lunch Bunch from 12-1 SHOULD NOT report to school.

While this is an unusual event, there are occasions when the weather conditions are such that it is deemed necessary to close school before the normal end of the school day time.
Announcements of an early school closing will be made using public media and our Black-Board Connect messaging system.  Parents will be required to come to the school at the early closing time to pick up their child and there will be no Preschool Extended Day Programs that afternoon. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Tony Toledo

Today the Steward Preschool was treated to a storytelling performance by Tony Toledo! Thank you to TESPTO for bringing this exciting opportunity to Steward School!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

2013-2014 Registration Information

Registration Forms for the 2013-14 school year will be sent home to currently enrolled preschool families starting Dec 5.  Our Open House for new families will be held on Wednesday, December 12 from 1:30-2:30 pm.  If you have any friends or neighbors interested in our program, please have them call or e-mail Katie Lyons so that we can be sure to send them an invitation to our Open House! All applications will be due Dec 19. 

Blog E-Mail Link

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Noon Dismissal for Wed, November 21

Due to the early Thanksgiving dismissal, on Wednesday, November 21 the preschool will be OPEN for our AM classes until 12pm and Morning Extended Day program.  We will not operate the Lunch Bunch/PM Extended Day during the afternoon. Miss Lisa’s class will be dismissed at 12pm and students will not be eating lunch in the classroom on that day.

The K-3 Steward Elementary students will be dismissed at 12 pm on Nov 21.  As a result, we will be changing our dismissal procedures for this day only:

If you are picking up ONLY your preschooler: Please drive through the STAFF parking lot (not the regular parking lot because you will get stuck) and line up your car parallel to the staff cars parked in the parallel parking spots.  Preschool staff will dismiss your children to your car.

If you are picking up your preschooler AND other students in grades K-3:  Please send in a note letting your child’s teacher know by Wednesday morning.  We will have your preschooler stay with the preschool staff until the noon dismissal. At noon, your preschooler will be brought to the pick up line to be picked up.  Please use the Steward School pick-up line to pick up your child. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2 Hour Delay Policy

Today the Topsfield Public Schools will open on a 2 hour delay schedule.  Our preschool classes are closed, however, our extended day program will open at 11 am. Below is our handbook's policy regarding cancellations.

Announcements regarding the delay or closing of school due to snow or inclement weather will be made on local television stations.  Parents who sign up for the Connect-Ed parent notification system will also receive a phone call and/or e-mail with this information.  The preschool will be closed when the Topsfield Public Schools are closed. If there is a one hour delayed opening, the morning preschool program (including morning extended day) will run from 10-12 pm.  If there is a two hour delayed opening, the morning preschool sessions will be cancelled, and the extended day program will open at 11am. There will be no early morning drop off for the extended day program when there is a delayed opening.  Should school be dismissed early due to unsafe weather conditions we will also cancel the Preschool Extended Day Program.  Parents will receive a call through the Black-Board Connect/ Connect Ed phone system notifying them of any such cancellations.