Due to parent conferences, on Thursday, March 14 and Friday, March 15, students in grades K-3 will be dismissed at 12 pm. The preschool will operate normal hours.
A reminder of our dismissal procedure on early release (for K-3) days:
- If you are picking up ONLY your preschooler: Please drive through the STAFF parking lot (not the regular parking lot because you will get stuck) and line up your car parallel to the staff cars parked in the parallel parking spots. Preschool staff will dismiss your children to your car.
- If you are picking up your preschooler AND other students in grades K-3, please send in a note letting your child's teacher know that your child will be picked up at 12:00, if that is not a normal procedure for your family. At noon, your preschooler will be brought to the pick-up line to be picked up. Please use the Steward School pick-up line, through the circle, to pick up your child if they have any siblings in grades K-3 that you are picking up.